Green Mountain Consulting, LLC
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, businesses need dependable IT support. Without it, the loss of productivity and valuable information can be devastating. At Green Mountain Consulting, LLC, we are quickly available and fast to find solutions. That’s why you can depend on us. We run your technology so you can run your business.
We Keep Your Technology Up So Your Business Doesn't Go Down
Let us maintain your systems to ensure they are up to date and are configured properly.
Microsoft releases security patches and product updates at least once a month. These updates are critical to security and fix many issues with Microsoft software.
We can manage all of your desktops and servers to make sure they stay current with the latest patches, security upgrades, and service packs.
We will monitor the server and desktop system logs, for errors and alerts. We'll can be alerted to problems before you ever realize a real problem. We will also make sure these files stay under control and are backed up when cleared.
Network security should be your main concern, no matter how large or small your network is. Hackers can attack networks using a variety of blended attacks, and malicious programs.
Green Mountain Consulting can help you secure your network and keep your information safe. We offer a full suite of VPN, Firewall, and remote access solutions.